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Bien-Air iOPTIMA INT Motorsteuerung

Bien-Air iOPTIMA INT Motorsteuerung | 131730

zur Anbieter-Website

  • Zustand: Neu / Angebote / Aktionen
  • Hersteller: Bien-Air
  • Typ: iOPTIMA INT
  • Anbieter: Bien-Air Deutschland GmbH
  • Ort: 79108 Freiburg


Whether you are planning to upgrade your dental practice with latest technology or you are just about to start your professional career: iOptimaINT is the All-in-One solution offering you the full range of treatment options seamlessly integrated into your dental chair. No need for additional equipment anymore: iOptimaINT lets you perform your restorative procedures, endo treatments (incl. reciprocating mode) and surgical procedures incl. implant placement. A Piezo scaling function is included as well.

Installed directly into the existing dental unit, the system is easily controlled through an Apple® tablet. The iOptimaINT therefore requires minimal space and guarantees a perfectly functional working environment.

Discover the iOptimaINT, the All-in-One solution for general dentists..

Anbieter / Ansprechpartner

Bien-Air Deutschland GmbH
Wir sind gerne persönlich für Sie da!
Jechtinger Str. 11
79111 Freiburg
Telefon: 49 (0)761 45 57 40